What a spirit-filled gathering we enjoyed together last Sunday in celebration of Pentecost!
After we shared in a meaningful time of worship (nourishment for our souls), we moved to the hall for some more nourishment in the form of a potluck lunch with many tasty treats to be sampled and much conversation to be enjoyed.
As we gathered back upstairs in the sanctuary we had time to review our Holy Manners that reminded us to keep God at the centre of all that we do. We played with our Welcoming Statement by affirming what we most valued in the statement, as well as offering what we thought needed to be added to accurately describe and guide us as we move into the future.
Alan and Ian each shared a brief report on their observations of St. John’s United Church in the last eight months. Then we got to the heart of the conversation by forming small circles of 5-6 people and sharing our responses to two questions:
1) What have you observed at St. John’s United Church in the past eight months that has brought you joy?
2) What are three wishes that you have for St. John’s in the next 6-12 months? Can those wishes grow out of something that we already have in place; something that could be improved, enhanced, a next step from where we are right now?
The Vision Team and the Board will be reviewing those responses in the coming months.
If you weren’t able to attend the conversation and have brief responses to either of these two questions, feel free to send them to Alan or to a member of the Vision Team.
What an affirming afternoon, seeing and hearing all the small circles of people sharing with one another what they love about SJU. It was like listening to a finely tuned and well-rehearsed orchestra!